Tri-County Young Life

Does it matter?

4 out of 5

Young Life participants

consider Young Life and it's leaders to be a significant influence on their faith.


of volunteer leaders and staff ​

with Young Life would overwhelmingly recommend their leadership experience to a friend.

Craig Humberd

Area Director
Craig is a Young Life leader at TL Hanna High School and oversees Young Life in the Tri-County Area.

Garett Melton

Staff Associate
Garrett is a Young Life leader at Easley High School and helps oversee Quest (college leader training).

Lauren Cox

WyldLife Director
Lauren Cox is a WyldLife leader at Wren Middle School and oversees WyldLife in the Tri-County area.

Kate Fant

Kate is our Area Admin and helps oversee Quest (college leader training).





"Young Life changed my son's life ..."